Heirs and Arrows
You’re not just a mom, you’re an heir and child of God. Likewise, you are not just haphazardly raising kids. You are raising arrows. In this podcast Amber Stevens invites guests and fellow moms to discuss various topics of motherhood and womanhood from a biblical perspective. Although many discussions will involve topics that pertain to motherhood, this is not just a podcast for moms. It's for all women in all walks of life. You will be encouraged, equipped and challenged.
Heirs and Arrows
Trash to Treasure w/ Angel Williams aka Mom the Ebayer
Amber Stevens
Angel is a prime example of the resourcefulness and resilience of women! When she was looking for ways to supplement money for her family, she began flipping items and dumpster diving. She is now a YouTube sensation with over 150,000 followers and a new author! Her story is so inspiring and I can't wait for you to hear it.
YouTube- Momtheebayer
Instagram- @momtheebayer101
Twitter- momtheebayer101
LinkedIn- Momtheebayer101
Finding Your Treasure (book)- https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Treasure-Familys-Mission-Everything_and/dp/198215229X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2BBQCYY9AWUNK&dchild=1&keywords=angel+williams+finding+your+treasure&qid=1627530779&sprefix=angel+williams+findin%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-2